
Our Services

  • For any emergency situation, such as an aching tooth or gum, a swelling in the mouth or on the face, or a broken tooth, you can count on the Clinique Dentaire Vaudreuil to quickly welcome you in, expertly perform the required emergency work and bring you relief.

  • As part of the dental check-up, we take radiographs of the entire mouth. We also visually examine the teeth, gums, mucous membranes and all anatomical structures of the mouth and face, in order to be in a position to identify any specific problem.

    The teeth cleaning operation consists of using special instruments to gently and thoroughly remove any tartar deposits accumulated on tooth surfaces and underneath the gums.

  • Around the age of six, when the first adult molar teeth emerge in children, we recommend applying sealants to their surfaces. This prevents the dental plaque from sticking in tooth grooves and cracks, which can easily generate dental cavities.

    Around the age of 12, when the second adult molar teeth pierce through the gums, we also then recommend applying sealants to their surfaces, for the same reasons.

  • After removing the cavities, we proceed to place fillings. These can be made out of composite (white fillings) or amalgam (grey fillings).

  • The dentist can shape a custom-made protective mouth guard for people who practice certain sports, to prevent any impact from causing tooth breakage or loss.

  • Dental bleaching consists of applying a gel within trays custom-made for your teeth. The treatment, which the patient carries out him(her)self at home, requires 14 one-hour applications spread out over one to two weeks.

  • When someone grinds his/her teeth during sleep, wakes up with clenched jaws or a headache, or has teeth showing acute wear, the dentist can shape a custom-made night guard.

  • Sometimes it is possible to avoid all the inconvenience of tooth extraction by performing a root canal treatment.

    Nevertheless, the dentist can recommend extraction depending on the situation. For example, it is sometimes necessary to extract wisdom teeth: indeed, they can cause repetitive infections, lead to the formation of a cyst, or even damage adjacent teeth.

  • A tooth in a state of advanced destruction or that has undergone a root canal treatment becomes more fragile. In such cases, we recommend placing a crown, in order to avoid a fracture that could lead to tooth loss.

    The crown, usually made of porcelain and/or gold, covers the tooth entirely and makes it more resistant to chewing forces.

    A missing tooth can be replaced by a dental bridge, an implant-supported crown or a partial dental prosthesis.

  • Periodontics includes all treatments of gum-associated diseases or other problems. For example, we can perform root planning and curettage (remove tartar, inflamed or granulation tissues), or, in more severe cases, do surgery.

  • When a tooth is severely damaged, has a large cavity or requires major restoration, the dentist then proceeds to a root canal treatment. This operation is performed under local anesthesia, and is intended to remove the infected or inflamed dental pulp.

  • Prostheses can replace missing teeth. They are retained by clasps that grip onto healthy adjacent teeth, and are removable (can be taken out for sleeping).

  • As soon as the first tooth appears, around the age of 6 months, it's important to visit a pediatric dentist who will be able to provide care adapted to the younger clientele. Pediatric dentists take care of children's dental health from birth to adolescence, allowing for healthy oral health during their development. In addition, visits to the dentist at a young age allow the little ones to become familiar with the environment of a dental clinic. Orthodontic services for children are also available.